I began my day in Montabella Schools - near Mt. Pleasant - knowing that this was a small, rural school district. What I could not have anticipated was the amazing spirit of togetherness that only intensified as my day progressed. I left feeling a profound sense of respect for districts like Montabella who continue to serve students well in the face of diminished resources.
Montabella thrives on the passionate dedication of its staff and the clear commitment they display for the students they serve. There is a strength of community here that sustains students, families and staff. Everyone works together for the benefit of all. It clearly shows.

I began my day at the Middle/High School with a meeting of the Student Advisory Council which gave me a sense of the successes and challenges at Montabella

Students blend both text-based and digital sources to conduct research and generate claims

Collaboration is a key component of learning in Montabella

Students work together to test solutions and generate ideas in math

Teachers in Montabella will do whatever it takes to support and empower their students

Community volunteers provide dedicated support in classrooms, like this gentleman whom everyone in this elementary classroom simply refers to as "Grandpa"

Montabella students love their school!

Pre-school students eat family-style, and learn important social skills

Principal Shane Riley checks in with a high school student. When "everyone knows everyone" there is measure of care that communicates clearly to all kids: "You matter."

Students think about, share and apply new knowledge in dynamic ways

All voices are heard and no input goes unrecognized.

From Ancient Rome to Montabella - a community of care

The opportunity to meet with and listen to the successes and challenges that teachers face is always a highlight of every school visit