I had the pleasure of facilitating a professional learning experience with colleagues at Vandercook Lake High School in Jackson County.
I was contacted by Kate Richards - a dynamic educator and professional learning coordinator - who asked if I could help create some thinking around reading in the content area. After considering the ways literacy mattered across disciplines, we delved into the work of Reading Apprenticeship. It was exciting to engage the Physical Education staff in the ways that students need to be literate about various principles in P.E. Often forgotten - P.E., art, music, world language and all non core-academic subject teachers have much to offer in the way of sharing process teaching approaches that can can inform all disciplines.
There certainly is power in cross-disciplinary conversations around teaching and learning.

Vandercook Lake High School teachers discuss how they serve as reading role-models for their students

VCL teachers realize the power of cross-disciplinary conversations around literacy

A powerful takeaway was the reminder that students need to be explicitly taught how to read complex texts

The possibility for future professional conversations across content areas creates exciting possibilities for future collaboration at VCL.