Change agent. Advocate. Crusader for justice.
All of these descriptors only begin to characterize the profound impact Lena Juratli has had on her community as the founder of Help Bring Hope, a local organization which collects items for donation to local homeless shelters in Metro Detroit. By the way, Lena began this work as a high school student.
In a recent visit to Birmingham Covington School, Lena and her team of student advocates spoke about their passion for social justice and desire to forge a more just future for all people. She also mentioned a critical lesson - the importance of refraining from judgement, especially toward people who are homeless. She spoke of her own biases and how she reformed her thinking through education and awareness about how people become homeless and why homelessness exists. Her message was extremely well received, as the room full of 5th and 6th graders listened with rapt attention.
Check out this article on Help Bring Hope for more information. Lena is a consummate role-model and beacon of light whose love and compassion are truly profound. May she continue to serve others and inspire all who know her work.

Lena Juratli and friends speak to students at Birmingham Covington School about withholding judgment

Lena's message centers around the importance of avoiding judgement as we serve others

When communities of people come together to improve the lives of others, change occurs

Lena is a gifted motivational speaker who inspires and guides all who know her

Students were transfixed by Lena's message of hope and compassion

Help Bring Hope serves as a model which fosters the growth of new ideas for grass roots community service

Students warmly received Lena and her friends from Help Bring Hope. Everyone likes to make a difference.